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Här kan du läsa rekommendationer och citat från några av våra kunder

Rekommendationer från våra kunder

Camilla Säf
Camilla Säf
Project Manager Communication
Bergkvist Siljan AB

Today we have launched Planket — Bergkvist Siljan's intranet. Many thanks for the support and help so far — it has been invaluable. I always get elaborate and descriptive answers with accompanying pictures so that it will be easy to do the right thing. Feel it was the right choice to choose you as supplier and I remember Robert's words “We hold your hand all the way!” which you really do.

I had the pleasure of working with Henrik in a Knowledge Management & Collaboration solution utilizing Azure and multiple O365 products. Henrik is positive and solution oriented and delivers high quality work. If possible I would like to work with him again!!
Jan-Inge Bergseth
Architect at Microsoft‍
We see it as very positive that our Intranet has become both easily accessible and user-friendly. It is easier to find information and it is very good that everyone has access to it through the phone
Sofia Svedros
Acting Chief of Staff
Today we have launched Planket — Bergkvist Siljan's intranet. Many thanks for the support and help so far — it has been invaluable. I always get elaborate and descriptive answers with accompanying pictures so that it will be easy to do the right thing. Feel it was the right choice to choose you as supplier and I remember Robert's words “We hold your hand all the way!” which you really do.
Camilla Säf
Project Manager Communication
Henrik is a goal-oriented consultant within the software development community and more specifically, SharePoint. Henrik has broad technical skills and a great eye for detail. His honest and caring personality make him a key member in any project. Henrik is one of the best consultants I have ever worked with and can highly recommend him.
Peter Stensson
SharePoint Consultant at Avega Group AB
I had the privilege to work with Henrik for almost a year. He is a self-driven and ambitious team player who always takes responsibility from start to finish. Where some people might see problems, Henrik only sees solutions. Henrik is a happy and inspiring person who spreads joy around him and to other team member in any project. I want to give Henrik my best recommendations and hope to work with him again.
Nathalie Tindsjö
Digital strategist and interaction designer‍
Patrik är en mycket kunnig, noggrann och driven utvecklare. Han gillar utmaningar och har bra lösningar på svåra problem
Anders Rasmusson
IT Consultant at Elicit AB‍
Patrik är en stark och resultatdriven projektledare som ser till att komma i mål med projektet. Han är strukturerad och är duktig på att följa upp projektets olika delar. Han är bra på att kommunicera med sina projektmedlemmar och se till att alla har den information de behöver.
Karolina Bjurehed
Web Editor, University of Borås‍
Jag har anlitat Patrik Björklund som konsult för att formulera kravspecifikation för upphandling av webbleverantör till SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. Patrik visade sig (än en gång ;) vara en partner att lita på fullständigt. Uppdrag utförs enligt plan utan fördröjning. Patrik benar också noga ut detaljfrågor och lämnar helst inget åt slumpen - vilket ställer krav på beställaren men i slutändan ger ett gott och tillförlitligt resultat. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Patrik - han går in för sina uppdrag med stor seriositet och starkt engagemang. Dessutom är han en trevlig person att ha att göra med som fungerar väl med de olika personer/kompetenser som man som konsult samarbetar med i en stor organisation. Jag ger Patrik mina varmaste rekommendationer och hoppas att vi får chans att samarbeta ytterligare.
Vendela Röhlander
SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut
Henrik is a great SharePoint developer with lots of good qualities. He always strives to find good solutions. His passion for developing great software applications makes him deliver high quality products on time. He is excellent in several areas: SharePoint, team-work, agile software development, estimates, TFS and many more.Henrik is a positive person who's consistant good mood is infectious to all those around him.
Håkon Nordli
Front-end developer at Knowit‍
I have had the pleasure working with Henrik on Statkrafts Intranet/collaboration solution. I have been working with SharePoint as system owner since ver. 2005 and have had help from many technicians. Henrik stands out from the rest with his excellent SharePoint skills, admirable communication skills and his perpetual happy smile. I would love to work with Henrik again and can highly recommend him as your SharePoint resource in any given project. The solution, Statkraft Stream, used globally for approx 3.300 users. It is based on SharePoint as collaboration platform, EPI server for Intranet functions and ViaWorks search engine for Enterprise search. The concept is to have information flow in different channels to the user, either by the role given in the SAP HR system or from channels the user chose them self, so that the users gets easy access to valid information - in order to ease his or her daily work.less
Lars Askholt
IT Advisor at Statkraft‍

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